We had a lovely and low-key Christmas this year. We spent Christmas eve having dinner at a friend's house and this morning we woke up to see that Santa had arrived. On Christmas Eve some friends gave Claire some darling Santa pajamas, which she absolutely loved. When we put them on her before bed, she kept pointing at the Santas saying, "Seenta, Seenta". She loved them and she spent the morning in them too!

Claire certainly raked in the goodies. Santa brought her a toddler sized table and chairs as well as a bunch of puzzles and a play purse, complete with cell phone, keys, mirror and lipstick.

From her adoring family members she got an Elmo live, a bunch of Elmo DVDs, books, toys and a giant moose that is as big as she is.

Here is Claire walking around with her moose and her pink play cell phone wearing the lion slippers Santa brought her.

Mommy's friend Jessie sent us matching sweatshirts! How fun! After all, aren't mothers and daughters supposed to dress alike?? I'll go with it as long as I can...

After a long morning of playing and opening presents, Claire definitely needed a little rest!