Last week we were lucky enough to get tickets to a live Sesame Street performance on the base. This is a great traveling show that spends much of the year traveling around to different bases and performing for the kids and families there. The show was about thirty minutes long, which was a perfect length for Claire, and the singing and dancing was great.
Leading up to the show, I think I was more excited about it than Claire was. We had never taken her to a live performance and I thought it would either be a huge hit and she'd love it, or she would be freaked out and I'd have to remove a screaming baby from the show and try not to disturb anyone else.
She wasn't too familiar with Sesame Street before a few weeks ago, but leading up to the show, I showed her some episodes and DVDs of Sesame Street. She has quickly learned to recognize Elmo, whom she calls, "EL!"
The night of the show was great. We met up with Sadie, Elizabeth and their parents (poor Andy was in Germany on business, so he had to miss it). We all sat together and the girls were mesmerized by their light up Elmo spinny toys until the show began.

When the characters came out, singing and dancing, all three girls immediately loved the show. They were each so focused on the characters and so excited by the singing and dancing.

Claire absolutely loved it. She was smiling and dancing the whole time. She clearly, thoroughly enjoyed the show, which made me very happy. I am really looking forward to taking her to more things like this in the future!

This is a video of Claire watching Sesame Street. It's not the best quality and there is no audio, but it's a good snippet of how much Claire enjoyed the show.
Look at Claire...looking so engaged in the performance! She is too cute:-)