Over the weekend, Andy picked up Claire's big girl bed at Ikea and on Sunday we set it up for her. Claire has shown a major interest in all things related to sleep for a long time. In the last few months, it's been one of her favorite things to "play". She loves putting all of her stuffed animals to bed and she loves climbing in beds at other peoples' houses and at stores (if we let her). We were hoping the transition would be a smooth one. Part of our goal was to be able to take down and put away the crib for a couple of months before the new baby arrives, so Claire feels less like the baby is taking her stuff.

Anyway, we were all in Claire's room as Andy took apart the crib and put her bed together and Claire was fascinated by the whole process. When the frame came together, she even got in the middle of it and laid down on the floor. When the bed was put together and the mattress in place, she immediately climbed in to "sleep"... she wouldn't even let me put on the bedding! :)

So, naptime on Sunday rolled around a few hours later and she was a champ. We are now on day five of the big girl bed and the transition has been flawless. She loves her bed and talks about it all the time and she can't wait to get in it.
Now, if only potty training could go this smoothly....
that's awesome! I'm so glad everything is going smoothly!