Sunday, July 25, 2010

Due date, but no baby....

So, today is my due date and no baby in sight. I can't say that I'm shocked because Claire was a week late. All is well and we are all doing fine and hanging in there. No signs of labor, but I'm not too worried about it. We'll be sure to keep people posted via phone, email, facebook, blog, etc. So, sit tight and stay tuned....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

We had a very busy and fun Fourth of July weekend. On Saturday we went to Carney Park where there was a big carnival and festival. Claire rode some of the kiddie rides for the very first time and while unsure at the beginning, she really had a great time.

She really loved the swings which she rode with her friends Sadie and Ryan.

Claire and Daddy also enjoyed the Ferris wheel.

On Sunday, we drove to Gaeta for Andy's beach rugby tournament. Before the tournament we spent some time at the beach. Claire had a great time digging in the sand and eating popsicles and she loved swimming in the water with her pool noodle.

Andy did well in the beach rugby tournament, which was a shortened, more fast-paced version of rugby. Andy and the rest of the team had a lot of fun.

Adventures in June

After our recent busy days of sightseeing, in June we hung a bit closer to home. That is not to say, that we didn't have fun, though!

Early in the month, we visited the Solfatara, which is an "active" voclano fairly close to our house. It is constantly steaming and smells VERY strongly of sulfur. It was HOT on the day we went, so we didn't spend very much time out in the crater itself...

We also have had fun on the bases. We have made lots of trips to the playground and Claire even went bowling with her Daddy for the first time. She LOVED the bowling, even though Daddy needed to give the ball a little nudge for her.

We are also slowly working on the potty training. We basically only have Claire use the potty when she asks to, which is about every three days or so. We're not too anxious about pushing it because of the big transition coming up when we bring home the new baby. She sure does have fun when she's on the potty, though.