EloiseKelleherHonigwasborn on Friday, July 30, 2010 at 8:17pmCentralEuropean Summer time. Sheweighed in at 8 lbs 12 ozandwas 19 incheslong. Shewasfivedaysoverdue, butwellworth the wait.
Her labor anddeliverywereverysimilarto Claire's, but a bit faster. RecoveryforMomhasbeengreat so far andEloiseis a great baby whoissleepingwell so far. Claire istotallyexcitedaboutherlittlesisterandDaddyishappyto be pleasantlyoutnumbered!
So far, Claire reallylovesher baby sister. Sheis a great "helper". Sheparticularlyloveshelpingtocarry the carseat.
A happycoincidenceisthatEloise's birthday, is the the exactsame day thatJessie (Molly's closefriendfrom college) deliveredher baby boy Tristan, whichisalso the same day asMargie (bothJessieandMolly's otherclose college friend, turned 30. What a day!
I am a mom to a three and a half year old named Claire and a one-year old named Eloise. My husband, Andy, Claire and I moved to Italy in the beginning of the summer of 2009 and we will be living here for three years. Let the adventure begin!
Congratulations! We are looking forward to meeting Eloise. Claire looks so proud! We hope that the good sleeping continues :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you- I was checking here daily for the big news before we left on vacation- Wouldn't you know- you delivered the day we left town :)