Eloise is now two weeks (and one day) old. So far, things are going really well. Nursing during the first few days/week was a little rough, but with a few adjustments, I feel that we're in the clear now. I don't remember it being that difficult or painful in the beginning with Claire, but Andy reminded me that he thought it was worse. It's funny how we tend to block out the tough stuff like that!

We had Eloise's two week appointment yesterday, and she is now 8lbs 15 oz and 22 inches long. She is three ounces above her birth weight, which is great. The goal, in general, is to be back at the birth weight by two weeks, so we're a little ahead of the game. So far, the sleeping is going really well too, although I know that could change at any moment. She usually only wakes up once or twice during the night to eat and then go right back to sleep. In the mornings, she'll wake up around 5 or 6 to feed and then sleep until 8 or so. Having Andy home has been great. He'll get up when Claire wakes up around 7 and I continue sleeping until Ellie wakes up again around 8 or 9. I definitely don't feel sleep deprived at this point, which makes a world of difference.

Claire seems to be doing well. She really loves her little sister and loves giving her hugs and kisses. She is definitely acting out in some ways to get a bit more attention, but she is not acting negatively toward the baby so far, which is great. We are doing our best to keep Claire in her routine of swimming lessons, park outings, and play dates. She seems to do better when we are active and doing fun things. Claire loves being involved. Recently both she, and Eloise, had some much needed, "tummy time!" Claire also loves "helping" with the baby... whether it's giving her a bath, or helping to change her diaper. She's a great big sister!

We are looking forward to having two sets of visitors in the next two weeks. First, Julie and her kids are coming and then Andy's parents are coming. Hopefully both groups will get some good sightseeing in as well as some good time with the girls. We are looking forward to their visits!
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