So, the weekend Eloise was born (over eight weeks ago now) the road that connects our parco (gated housing community) to the rest of the world, half collapsed. We sort of ignored it at the time because we could still get in and out on one lane of the road. However, since that time, no effort has been made to fix the road. It is clearly the result of some sort of small landslide and with the impending rain (this region experiences heavy rain in the fall and winter) we feel that the rest of the road is in danger.

This is a picture of our friend, Aaron, checking out the damage.
I went in to the housing office on base last Monday (about a week ago) and they recommended that we move as soon as possible. It was clear from the start that there wouldn't be time to find another house out in town to move to with the lengthy contract/inspection process, so we just decided to move onto the base.
After consulting with the housing office, things moved pretty quickly. Andy wrote an appeal letter to ask for funding for our move and for additional space, both of which were approved, on the condition that we move by the end of the fiscal year, which is this Thursday, the 30th of September! So, here we are, on the eve of yet another moving day. The movers come tomorrow, and we anticipate at least a two, perhaps three-day move.
So, goodbye Pozzuoli home.... goodbye wonderful garden and lovely fruit trees. Hello, base living!
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