Yesterday our fall session of baby ballet began. Claire had such a good time in baby ballet last spring, that there was no question we'd put her in it again. This is a picture of Claire on her way to baby ballet. Even though Claire isn't going to school, she is definitely interested in backpacks. We got her one to put her toys and snacks in because now that I've got to carry around the huge diaper bag again, I'm trying to offload some of Claire's stuff onto her. She loves carrying it around like a big girl. She also had her ballet shoes in it on this day. Such a big girl!

Daddy still has some time off, so he got to come to baby ballet with us.

Eloise also attended baby ballet, of course, but more as an observer, not quite a participant. However, she was dressed for the part, wearing a black onesie with a leopard print tutu that Jessie sent her! She was the envy of all the ballet girls.

Here are my girls in their black tutus... no pink for my girls!
they are so cute, I can hardly stand it!!!